Friday, June 22, 2007

Speaking of little houses, how about little dogs?


I love my little white dog! He is just the coolest.

Little Houses

There is a song that goes. . .

"Love grows best in little houses
with fewer walls to separate
where you eat and sleep so close together
you can't help but communicate
oh and if we had more room between us
think of all we'd miss
love grows best in houses just like this"

Here's my little house.
1922 Hogan Street 011

(I wrote that all from memory. WOW!) Anyhow, I was singing this song in my head the other day and then I began to think about it. It's sweet and I agree with the sentiment, but what about people who live in big houses? Are they missing something?

I thought about it long and hard. Here's my reasoning for thinking that people in big houses do not miss out on the intimacy of a small home: In a big house, there are more places to sit. So, if you are sitting somewhere and your loved one settles down next to you on the couch, you know that they passed up at least 20 other comfortable seats just to sit by the one they love.

Love can grow wherever we choose to feed and nurture it.