Friday, February 9, 2007

Irony and the Office

I chose not to take notes at my Thursday night lecture class.
I sat with a notebook when watching "The Office" in order to write things to blog about.
Sad, sad, sad. . .

Anyhow, I thought last night's episode of "The Office" was wonderful and full of fodder for me to analyze.
First of all, the beginning with the Jim's classical conditioning exercise with Dwight. Ha! If you're not familiar with Pavlov's experiment, click here for a wikipedia article. (Isn't wikipedia the greatest?)
I'd also like to discuss Kelly's attire. (The funny thing is that she is both a producer and writer for the show--so in real life I guess she's pretty intelligent!) She wore white full-length satin gown with a tiara placed strategically in her hair. Hmm... Did you notice Kelly at the bouquet-tossing scene? Well, if you watch carefully, you'll see that Kelly almost catches the bouquet but Ryan leaps and tips it away, aiming it for Toby's date. Wonder why Ryan would do that? HA!
An interesting phenomenon happened at my house during Michael's pre-wedding accusation of Phyllis "passing gas". I began to smell a distinct fart smell at the same time, only to look at my little dog, Brian, who was trying to avoid eye contact. I suppose he was just trying to create "smell-o-vision". What a helper.
There's a lot more to say about the show, but for the sake of looking like an obsessed-loser, I'll keep my thoughts to myself.

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