Wednesday, January 23, 2008

...and the search continues!

Today marks the end of week 3 of my job search. Really, the job search started sometime in October, but since I was also working and going to school, it was not a dedicated search—merely looking here and there, at this and that when the mood struck me. (Can I get any vaguer?)

I have now been on three interviews, one of them with a staffing agency. I actually went on one interview this week at a construction supply company where the gentleman interviewing began with an open door, but a few moments into the meeting he got up and gently shut the door. He proceeded to tell me “Look, being honest with you—you don’t want to work here. You’re nice and intelligent, and trust me, you wouldn’t want to be here.” (He didn’t know that compliments like that go straight to my head, in the same way that Krispy Kremes go straight to my hips.) We talked a few moments more, and while he remained pretty elusive about the specific reasons I wouldn’t want to work in his office, I got the hint. I appreciate the candor, I suppose.

The interviewer and I talked about the job market and how hard it is to get a job these days—it turns out he commutes from Orlando. To me, that’s absurd. Shouldn’t we be commuting to Orlando, not vice versa? He also said that it took his wife six months to find a job in Orlando. If Orlando’s job situation is a barometer as to Melbourne’s, well then, I feel very discouraged!

Either way, I am continuing to trudge along in my pursuit of fulfilling employment. I am being a good wife, listening to good music, and exercising. It really does feel nice to have time to myself, although I really think would find more bliss in employment.

I am currently working on filing an application and going through the arduous process of becoming a teacher. I think I’d like to teach home economics/family and consumer sciences in high school. At least the starting salary is $36K. It’s so funny that everyone complains about how poorly teachers are compensated, but their salary is looking awesome to me!

From here on out, I am done wallowing in self-pity.

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